“Please mind the crudity of this mocked up code, I did not have time to build it to scale or paint it. The WD redirect is untested at time of this publication as I do not have a v16 server online.”
Recent request from a fellow developer on how to handle the need for a WebDirect password reminder (or password reset with some changes)
How it works
- PHP page renders a form that posts back to itself.
- The post has an added 'r' parameter that decided what should happen.
- If its a regular login, the actual redirect is handled by JS in the browser by passing back a form that gets posted onLoad.
- There are two forms, one for regular login, the other for passing data to FMS scripts
- If the reminder form is posted, then a script in FMS is called and run. Thats script should handle the reminder or what ever met happen.
- Data us passed as a script parameter as JSON
( If this helps, buy me a drink! )